This video was made for Digital Women and covers 10 key areas of choosing fonts for your next project. I hope you find it useful!
Read MoreThese powerful, first person stories begin their own story as words recorded by dedicated volunteers. The transcripts are managed by a talented team within the charity through the editorial and design process before being printed in hard back volumes. Often they arrive with few photos and what there is, isn’t always good quality. One particularly moving book presented a problem as the subject had no photos of his family at all, just his father’s watch.
Read MoreMany people can struggle to find the budget for design. Posts that start with ‘I’m new, I haven’t got much money and I need a designer. Can I trade skills/do I go to a low cost site/competition or pitch site/do you know a cheap designer/can you work for exposure or haggle?’ concern me as it not only devalues design, it could also end up a false economy. Here’s a better way.
Read MoreHow you direct the question and handle the responses matters. How you feel about it matters too. After all, this is putting your brief to your designer to the test. How well do you know your clients?
Read MoreI am really pleased to let you know that Hello Lovely has passed the strict criteria set by The Alliance of Independent Authors and is now a partner member offering design and publishing services including image research to members.
Read MoreI was talking to a copywriter client last week about his website, which we are in the process of creating, and he happened to say hard it was writing his own words. I hear this a lot and it’s the same for me with my promotional work and this website. When you go public it’s scary isn’t it?
Read MoreFonts and how they are used is so important to setting the scene. This goes for memes, websites, print, branding… anywhere you write words and that’s a lot of places. Typography and the way it’s used is always a key part of the branding process
Read MoreIf a book is well written, it deserves the investment of design. Reader inattention can be avoided with the thoughtful and careful consideration of an experienced book designer.
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